Good car analogy but I don't think I can extend it very well and I'm not sure
I can come up with a better one.
The way you wrote your first sentence isn't what in fact is happening.
Milly Staples said:
Not tongue-in-cheek at all.
Think about it. How would Outlook know, with a default signature of None
for an account, that you want to use a per account signature and have it
automatically switch accounts when you change signatures?
This issue is not trying to have Outlook switch email accounts when a
signature is changed. In fact, it's just the opposite. When you switch the
sending account from one that doesn't have a signature to one that does,
Outlook doesn't recognize that there is a signature associated with the
switched-to account.
In fact it gets worse. If you set up the default account to have a
signature you will then get the signatures associated with the other accounts
just fine. But if you select an account that does not have a signature and
then change you mind and select an account that does have a signature, the
signature is not included in the outgoing mail.
Because of the way Outlook is behaving once an account is selected that
doesn't have a signature, if the default account does not have an email
signature, you will never be able to get an account with a signature to
successfully use the signature.
Since this seems to be confusing, here's how to recreate the issue:
Set up 4 email accounts making account 1 the default. Set accounts 1 and 3
up so they specify <none> in the new email signature setting and set up
accounts 2 and 4 so that they have a signature set up and assigned to the
account. Make the signatures different for each of the 2 accounts.
Now try to create a new account with a signature. Since Outlook encounters
account 1 first and <none> is specified switching to account 2 or 4 for
sending the account will NOT pick up the signature for the account.
Now change account 1 so that it has a signature assigned to it (different
from the other 2). Now try to create a new message and it will in fact pick
up the signature for account 1. Now, before sending the message, switch to
account 2 or 4 (the ones with signatures) and everything works fine. Outlook
picks up the signature associated with the proper account perfectly.
Now, again before sending the email, select account 3 (the only one
remaining with <none> specified for signature) and then change the from
account once more to 1, 2, 4 and the signature no longer gets picked up.
What appears to be happening is that if you ever select an account without a
signature block before selecting an account with a signature block (again,
before the message is sent), Outlook ignores all signatures. Since you
always will encounter the default account when creating a message, if that
account has <none> specifiec, forget getting a signature on any account.
That's why the workaround is to make sure the default account has a
signature assigned to it (as was mentioned, even if it's just a carriage
return) otherwise you will never be able to select an email account with a
signature associated with it and pick up the signature.
It is like expecting your car to take you to the gas station when it is low
on gas but you have not started the car. (I really hate car analogies but
this one seems to fit.) The car ain't going nowhere until you start it. In
Outlook, inserting a default signature is like turning on the engine. NOW
you can steer it where you want. If you don't put in the signature, your
key is not even in the ignition.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, tcarp asked:
| Hi Milly
| I'm not sure how much your note is tonge-in-cheek, and certainly not
| to belabor this, or express any disrespect, my point simply was that
| the behavior of Outlook in this situation does not seem basic at all.
| In fact, its inconsistant with any of the help files or documentation
| I've seen regarding what to expect when working with signatures.
| Thanks
| Tom
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| However hard it is to believe, it is Outlook 101.
|| --ÂÂ
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, tcarp asked:
||| With all due respect, Sue, what you wrote is not consistent with the
||| problem being addressed here.
||| I can switch back and forth between accounts with signatures just
||| fine. However, the first time an account that has NONE in the
||| signature selection block, Outlook will no longer successfully
||| switch to accounts with a signature block. As was mentioned by
||| SR7133 in their latest posts, since the default account is used
||| first (before the sending account is switched) it cannot contain
||| NONE in the signature block selection. If it does Outlook will not
||| pick up the signature blocks when a different account is selected.
||| The workaround is to 1) assure that the default email account has a
||| signature block (even if it is just a carriage return) and 2) not to
||| select an account that has NONE in the signature selection if you
||| intend to switch again to an account that has a signature block
||| BEFORE sending the email.
||| The rule appears to be: if you want to use signature blocks for new
||| messages make sure the default account does NOT specify <none> in
||| its Signature for New Messages option -or- that you select an
||| account that has <none> in its Signature for New Messages option
||| before selecting the final send account.
||| I find it hard to believe that this is Outlook Basics.
||| Tom
||| "Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
|||| You've apparently discovered the basics: If you want Outlook to be
|||| able to switch signatures when you change accounts in an email
|||| message, then you need to have an automatic signature set up for
|||| every account and be using WordMail as the editor.
|||| --
|||| Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
|||| Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
|||| and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
|||| Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
|||| ||||| Have you found the answer to this problem? I have the same
||||| situation. To be specific, I get the appropriate signature block
||||| when doing a reply to a message, but have different results when
||||| authoring a new message.
||||| In my case I use multiple accounts. I've run some tests and this
||||| is the pattern that seems to be there for new emails and possibly
||||| a wierd workaround.
||||| I was getting no signature block when I generated a new email. On
||||| a lark I decided to add a signature block to the first account on
||||| the list (it didn't have one when I started i.e. signature block
||||| for new emails was NONE.) A funny thing happened. I suddently
||||| got the signature block when I selected that account. The other
||||| funny thing was that if I selected another account that had a
||||| signature block I got the correct one inserted! However, the
||||| minute I selected an account with NONE in the signature block for
||||| new accounts option I no longer got a signature block inserted
||||| for ANY of the accounts including those that had worked earlier.
||||| Here's my theory. When creating a new email, the first time
||||| Outlook encounters and account with no signature block it loses
||||| it and can't retrieve signature blocks for any of the accounts.
||||| Since my first account in the list didn't have a signature block
||||| I could never get the signature block to insert.