Signature errors



I receive a document that requires my electronic/digital signature. I click
in the box and I receive the dialog asking for a signture add in or use the
default. I choose OK for the default and the signing block comes up. I type
in My name or I use an image and regardles of which I receive an error
stating that "Your signature could not be added to the document...". I double
check my certificate and it is in the trusted root and it shows that the
certificate is fine.

So why does this error continue to pop up and how can i correct the issue?

Dave L

If you are using a "roaming certificate" (that uses a URL to connect to
supplier's server for verification) Office 2007 will NOT be able to verify
the certificate and will throw this error. Our certificate provider says
they're working with MS, but there is no fix yet. Only alternative I know of
is to use Adobe Acrobat, which does recognize such certificates, and sign a
PDF version of the docx.

Dave L

More on the error "Your signature could not be added to the document...":
It turns out that the client logon/verification software from our
certificate provider "didn't support the newer CAPI found in Office 2007." If
your certificate worked on Office 2003 but not on 2007, and you have a
"roaming" certificate that verifies via the Internet, this may be your
problem. Contact your certificate provider and ask if they have a newer
version of their client software that supports Office 2007.
Otherwise, you might check digital signatures of PDFs via Adobe Acrobat V9:
our certificates worked with it.

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