Signature image


Sesquipedalian Sam

What's the best way to get a signature image to line up on a signature
line inside a table cell? Thanks

Jay Freedman

What's the best way to get a signature image to line up on a signature
line inside a table cell? Thanks

Make the line part of the signature image. Then you don't have to worry about

Sesquipedalian Sam

Make the line part of the signature image. Then you don't have to worry about

That solves the problem of getting the signature to sit properly on
the line, but now how do I get the line to line up with the rest of
the table.

This is for the signature page of a contract between 2 people. The
signature page is a 2-column table with each rows for name, title,
date and signature. The signature image will be for the left column.
The right column is for the other party.

I suppose I could redesign the form.

What image editor do you use?

Terry Farrell

Insert it IN LINE with the text and not as a floating object. Right-click on
it and select Text Wrapping.

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