Signature blocks have been created for our users - sample follows:
My Name
My Postion
My Company, Company, Company, Company & Another, LLC
City, State Zip
Office Phone
Direct line
Upon receipt to anothers mailbox for some reason the return after the LLC
vanishes and the address is now on the same line immediately after the
company name.
It is not an isolated incident but office wide. When the signature block is
reviews (Tool, options, mail format, signatures) it appears correct. It is
only after it is mail that the block becomes distorted.
Any idea?
My Name
My Postion
My Company, Company, Company, Company & Another, LLC
City, State Zip
Office Phone
Direct line
Upon receipt to anothers mailbox for some reason the return after the LLC
vanishes and the address is now on the same line immediately after the
company name.
It is not an isolated incident but office wide. When the signature block is
reviews (Tool, options, mail format, signatures) it appears correct. It is
only after it is mail that the block becomes distorted.
Any idea?