Signature Loads with a little blank box


T Smith

I have composed a signature with a logo in .tif format using WORD htm editor
saving it back to the signature when I am through. Whenever the signature
loads into a new document, it displays correctly, but with a little blank box
in the upper left with handles. I can delete the box and the signature looks
and acts normally, logo and all. I can then type my e-mail and send.
However every time I start a new e-mail the signature loads with the blank
box that must be deleted.

I have tried cutting and pasting the signature from WORD into a new
signature, but I can't copy the logo, only the words. Cutting and pasting
eliminates the box problem, but if I do that, I can't use the logo.

I am using Office 2003 with Outlook and Windows XP. Any suggestions for
creating a signature with the logo and without the little blank box???


Try this.
In the Mail-format tap
Under use this signature by default,
Select the Auto signature without the VCard as default.

T Smith


That is the way it was set up. It is funny how this little empty box
appears right above the signature in the body of the e-mail every time I
design a signature in WORD html and save it to the signature. It doesn't
show up when I look at the signature in the dialog box, but only when it is
loaded into an e-mail. I have to delete this little box before I send the
e-mail. Very strange. I am now using Outlook 2003, but the problem showed
up in earlier versions so I quit using WORD to edit the signatures. As long
as I just used text, I was OK. But now I need to add a logo and this problem
cropped up again.

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