Signature problem



Hi everyone.

I have some vba code to generate a pdf document through word, and add
also digital signature.

My problem is : how can i change the way the signature layout, it
always show the same standard signature image look.

I have tryed to change my signature field whit my own logo and so on
in acrobat, and named it as signtaure 2, but how can i use that
signature field instaed of Acrobat standard signature field.

my vba code i this:

If gPDDoc.Open(Dest) Then
Set jso = gPDDoc.GetJSObject
Set oAdd = jso.AddField("FirmaField1", "signature", 0,
Array(100, 400, 200, 200))
Set oSign = jso.GetField("FirmaField1")
Set ppklite = jso.Security.getHandler("Adobe.PPKLite", True)
ppklite.login "", "c:\20.sig"
oSign.signatureSign ppklite
End If

I have use days for looking on the net for any solution, but cant find
anything :( hopes that somone can help :(

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