signature with Hot Key?



I would like to insert the following info:

Timothy Herrera
Head of Operations: Skilfest Productions
1049 Belford Ave #5
Grand Junction, Colorado 81501

into my word docs with a quick key or in some way that prevents me fro
having to enter each word over and over again.

Isnt there a way to do this other than copy and paste?

Please respond



Answered in the other group to which you posted the identical question.
Please do not do multipost.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.
Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP


centrix said:
I would like to insert the following info:
[snip name and address]
into my word docs with a quick key or in some way that prevents me from
having to enter each word over and over again.

Set up an AutoCorrect entry for it. Type the text you want, select it,
go to Tools > AutoCorrect, type a name for the entry, click Add. Note
that the name is what will automatically get replaced with the full
text, so make sure the name is something that is (1) easy to type, but
(2) not something you'd ever want in the document, i.e. not an actual
word or abbreviation. Easiest is to use some sort of repeating symbol,
or combination of symbols, around/before/after a short bit of text
that represents the entry: [[addr]] or //addr// or myaddy** or
addresshere>> or something similar.

David M Wicker

Answered in the other group to which you posted the identical question.
Please do not do multipost.


I had a signature problem and was trawling the various word newsgroups
and was finding it difficult to ascertain which ng would be the most

how do the less knowledgeable like myself decide which word ng to use?


David M Wicker

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