I created a signature that includes our company logo. First I created it in
word and then turned it into a pdf, this way it goes all as one when copied.
To get it into outlook I use the format, signatures, advanced edit route and
"snapshot" it from the pdf into word which is the advanced edit option's
editor so to speak. then I save it and everything looks great except when I
go to send out an email that has this fancy signature attached it goes out
looking like I sent an email with an attachment. Is there another way I can
do this so that it does not look like an attachment is with the email?
word and then turned it into a pdf, this way it goes all as one when copied.
To get it into outlook I use the format, signatures, advanced edit route and
"snapshot" it from the pdf into word which is the advanced edit option's
editor so to speak. then I save it and everything looks great except when I
go to send out an email that has this fancy signature attached it goes out
looking like I sent an email with an attachment. Is there another way I can
do this so that it does not look like an attachment is with the email?