

George Lawshe

I would like to create a signature that I can use with WORD that has a
transparent background so when I insert it into WORD it looks a a true
signature instead of a label with a signature on it. Example, if a
signature must be signed on a line I do not want a label to cover the entire
line, I would like a signature on a transparent background so when laid on a
signature line it will only cover the line where the actual signature crosses
the line. I hope I make sense.
I went to PhotoShop and no one could answer the question with detailed
Sure would apprecite some help on this, I know others must sign
electronically, does a program exist to do this?
Thanks for your help!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Some file formats support transparency, and some do not. For example, if the
signature is saved as a GIF, you can select white (the paper background) as
the transparent color).


Start by trying the transparency tool in Word: its arrow pointing down-left
on the Picture toolbar. Click the colour in your graphic that should be
transparent (white, presumably). If that doesn't work, your background is
not a 'pure' colour - go back to PhotoShop and modify the original until it
is. You set the transparent colour when you save the graphic.

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