Signatures Grayed out-Cannot add or change signatures



Hey Guys,

I upgraded my client from Office XP to Office 2003 then updated with
SP2. We are running it on Windows XP Sp2 in a Windows 2000 Domain. He
has signature already in place, but complains that he cannot add new
ones nor edit the existing signatures. I have been troubleshooting
this for the last couple of hours with nothing positive to offer my
client. I unchecked Word as the editor, tried all of the formats
(HTML, rich text and text), I am familiar with the Microsoft document
that says you cannot change signatures but can use old ones at:;en-us;898076

I find it hard to believe Microsoft would just take this feature away
from us. There has to be a registry setting some where we can change
to turn it on for my client. Otherwise, I have to reinstall with SP1.
Does any one know away around this issue?

Tarek Hamdy, MCSE
(e-mail address removed)


Sorry for posting to the same group twice, however, my client opened
another ticket after this one, Sue Moser answered it then gave us the
solution, we implemented:


My client went against doctors orders (mine) and deleted the
NewSignature and ReplySignature
HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Common/MailSettings. I told him
should be carefull with the registry, but he did it.

Thank you for coming up with the solution (credit where credit is due).
It is now on the Internet for future people to use to solve this
problem. I highly encourage you to use this in YOUR next book.

Tarek Hamdy

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