Alice Dawson
I am new to Access, using Access2002. I have a field set up as follow
Data type: Numbe
Field Size: Decima
Format: General numbe
Precision: 1
Decimal places:
The field is to hold lengths; these can have a variable number of digits after the decimal point. My problem is that any zeros at the end of the number are truncated. The difference between 3.45, 3.450 and 3.4500 is important due to the precision implied. THe numerical values are important so I cannot change the type to text. How can I stop the zeros being deleted
Data type: Numbe
Field Size: Decima
Format: General numbe
Precision: 1
Decimal places:
The field is to hold lengths; these can have a variable number of digits after the decimal point. My problem is that any zeros at the end of the number are truncated. The difference between 3.45, 3.450 and 3.4500 is important due to the precision implied. THe numerical values are important so I cannot change the type to text. How can I stop the zeros being deleted