Significant performance issue with this site



Hi all,

I am getting extremely frustrated by this site (yes, this site which I use
to help me with Excel progrmamming). It seems that this site was not being
updated at all on the evening of 6/5 and all of 6/6 with new posts. Case in
point - one of my posts ("Issue with Sort") had 24 responses, all saying the
same thing and there were multiple posts by the same people, with the same
exact verbage as their prior post. I'm guessing this is because they also
were not seeing this site update and posted again as a result.

This site has become yet another source of significant frustration all
because of it's poor performance. I bring this up because this site SHOULD
NOT be yet ANOTHER source of frustration - it should ELIMINATE frustration.
Yet it is killing me as I'm spending so much time trying to post, pull up
other posts, etc. And now it's to the point where this site is timing out
completely....VERY frustrating (case in point - I am resubmitting this post
because it looks like it didn't take when I first submitted).

Does anyone know if there are any plans to upgrade the server that hosts
this site and/or do anything else that would increase the performance of this
site?? This site is sooo valuable, but I'm not able to access even half of
the great information that I'm sure I could use because it is so damn slow.
It's always been slow -- I've been using this site for years and it's always
been an issue. It seems to have gotten significantly worse recently.

Thanks and sorry for the rant - but I believe something needs to be done
about this!!

Pops Jackson

How much are you paying for using this site? You should demand your money

Gord Dibben

Stop using the CDO site and start using a real news reader like OE or Agent.

Point it to server

End of problems and lower blood pressure assured.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


It would help if your rant was directed at the correct organisation rather
than to us.
I assume you are reading these posts through some web site that merely
presents the posts in some annoying way. This web site does not host the NG,
but are the source of your frustration.

Use a proper news reader and connect directly to site as others have
And as Pops Jackson suggests, demand a refund.



Thanks all for the advice!! Honestly I didn't realize there were better ways
to access this NG. I will try out your suggestions.

Thanks again,

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