Silent Install Office 2007 pro plus



I used this command "setup.exe /adminfile Custom.msp" on initial setup. I
customized the msp file to install outlook 2007 only and remove old outlook
but it just installed the new outlook on top of the old outlook. Now I am
applying another msp file using newcustom.MSP" /quiet /norestart. This msp
file is customized to install all office products and remove all old products
but it just installs the new office next to old office as when I click on an
old office product it repairs it and it can then be used again.

Mike Lister


when you created the MSP file from the media the defaults are to install all the products and overwrite existing applications.

I am in the process of doing the package for our uses installing office core elements (Word,Excel,Powerpoint & Outlook) and then having additional installations for Access and Publisher.

To do this i copied the files to a temp folder on the PC and ran through the setup.exe /admin created my first MSP from the proplus option then by adding the Org details licence key and under what to install removing everything but the 4 core installs i then saved this to a folder called custom and repeated the steps launching the setup.exe /admin and selecting the access and publisher configs to be configured and saved them in the custom folder.

within the proplus.ww folder there is config.xml in thre you can remove the comments from the following:
<Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />
<Setting Id="Reboot" Value="NEVER" />

repeat with the access.ww and publisher.ww folder config files

this will install it silently when used with the correct switches

in my case the install was c:\acp\setup.exe /adminfile c:\acp\custom\core.msp /config c:\acp\proplus.ww\config.xml

access was the same but use the access.msp and the access.ww folder for the config.xml

to remove office use c:\acp.setup.exe /uninstall proplus /config c:\acp\proplus.ww\config.xml

this will use the silent switch to uninstall the application as well.

where it says /uninstall <product ID> in my case proplus you need to change depending on what you want to uninstall the id can be found from the setup.xml file from the folder you want to remove. IE access.ww\setup.xml says access publisher infopath etc

hope this small guide helps you and anyone else who comes across it.

One thing i am still looking in to is office requires a reboot after uninstalling it tho i think an extra line in config.xml will do the trick Setting ID SETUP_REBOOT = "NEVER" seems to be working during my testing!

Adam Hutchins

Thanks for the info, Mike.

I'm trying exactly what you described now in my test.

I figured once I set the display level to none in the OCW I wouldn't
have to use a config.xml.... Guess I was wrong!



I have a weird hanging issue at the end of the install. I've trie
your config.xml settings and they are not working for me. I've als
tried using the setup_reboot field, but that doesn't work either. I a
however installing sp1 simultaneously using the updates folder. I thin
that has something to do with it because I noticed that at the end o
applying updates, which is the last set of things the install does, i
just hangs. If I remove the reboot equals never entry in config.xml i
goes through fine, but I can't do that because this has to an automate
installation. Any ideas

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