Thanks Mark
I want it to highlight 1 or more lines then to add a Tab character in front
of all the selected lines. I can do it using the above find formula then
adding a Tab key. But it won't do it when in Play or Record macro.
Do you always want a tab before the replacement? If so,
just add:
in front of what the macro records as:
.Replacement.Text = ____
If you only want a tab in some cases, that's possible
also, assuming there's some sort of pattern to what
triggers that.
Mark Tangard <
[email protected]>, Microsoft Word MVP
Please reply only to the newsgroup, not by private mail.
Note well: MVPs do not work for Microsoft.
"Life is nothing if you're not obsessed." --John Waters
Jack wrote:
Thanks It works fine
However when I do it in "real" mode I can cancel the Find box then move
cursor to the left of the highlighted text, then press Tab and it
inserts a
Tab in front of the text.
However when I do it in Macro record Mode my Tab key overwrites the
highlighted text instead of moving it forward.
Any ideas how to overcome this overwriting problem?
Thanks for your valuable time
Hi Jack,
If you want the lines between <bg> and <be> right-adjusted, you can
"Find/Replace", with "Match wildcards" checked:
Find what: \<bg\>*\<be\>
Replace with: ^& ((either replace with a right-adjusted style, or
"Format > Paragraph > Adjustment=Right" as manual formatting))
Since < and > have a special meaning in wildcard searches, you have to
\< and \> instead.
The * wildcard matches anything between <bg> and <be>.
I have the following text, 50 pages full, the <> stuff is mine ;
Text text text text.....
<bg>abcdef two three
six seven eight
David three <be>
Text text text text.....
Text text text text.....
<bg>Thirty Six
Apple Pear<be>
Text text text text.....
Text text text text.....
How can I setup a Macro/vb code to put a Right tab in front of
these lines begining with <bg> and ending with with <be>?
Or is there a better way of doing this?
Many thanks