


I know how to programmatically manipulate common web pages, extract
data from them, etc, from Excel. I usually do this by looking at the
source code behind the page and then creating a VBA macro to do what
is needed. A web page that I extract data from using an Excel macro
has been redone as a Silverlight web page. I can no longer see the
source code and have no experience interacting with Silverlight via
VBA. Is there a simple way to view the Silverlight source code, or
can someone point me to a site that will explain how to manipulate a
Silverlight web page using VBA?..TIA, Ron

Robbe Morris

No can do. Silverlight is a compiled application similar in nature to a compiled windows application. It does not expose its internal UI object model to the browser (at least not without writing custom code inside the app to do it).

The best you could hope for was access to the WCF web service they use to interact with the server.

Submitted via EggHeadCafe
Oracle Developer For Beginners

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