I have Balances listed in columns b c d etc. In cell A1 it gives me the
average of all B1, C1 D1 etc. In A2 it gives me the averages of all b2, c2,d2
etc, and this continues down.
Each morning I enter the days' averages. So today, I want averages b1, c1,
d1. Tomorrow I will enter a new colum, so I will then want the averages b1,
c1, d1, e1. How can the equiation in A1 stay the same each time i enter a
average of all B1, C1 D1 etc. In A2 it gives me the averages of all b2, c2,d2
etc, and this continues down.
Each morning I enter the days' averages. So today, I want averages b1, c1,
d1. Tomorrow I will enter a new colum, so I will then want the averages b1,
c1, d1, e1. How can the equiation in A1 stay the same each time i enter a