David JD Bell
(Word 2000) I have a document that prints some labels (3 x 7 per page), all
the labels are the fixed, except that each time they are printed there is a
small code I have to change. To do this I have a bit of text in the header
(not on the labels) that I have Bookmarked, and in each of the 21 labels
there is a REF field to it, so I just edit the text of the bookmark, select
all and hit F9.
I would like to do it in a quick macro. I can pop up a form easily enough,
but don't know the syntax for changing the text in the bookmark
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Bookmark Name").Range.Text = tCode
changes it, but also deletes the bookmark. Can anyone point me to the right
way to do this. Ideally the text wouldn't actually be added to the document
and would be just held in a temporary variable.
David Bell
the labels are the fixed, except that each time they are printed there is a
small code I have to change. To do this I have a bit of text in the header
(not on the labels) that I have Bookmarked, and in each of the 21 labels
there is a REF field to it, so I just edit the text of the bookmark, select
all and hit F9.
I would like to do it in a quick macro. I can pop up a form easily enough,
but don't know the syntax for changing the text in the bookmark
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Bookmark Name").Range.Text = tCode
changes it, but also deletes the bookmark. Can anyone point me to the right
way to do this. Ideally the text wouldn't actually be added to the document
and would be just held in a temporary variable.
David Bell