The Wolf said:
Worked like a charm, thanks! The parentheses was what I couldn't remember.
Is there a way to make a negative percent red and positive black?
Couple of ways:
1) Custom format
Format/Cells/Number/Custom [Black]0.0%;[Red]0.0%;0;@
2) Conditional Format
Format/Conditional Formatting...
CF1: Cell value is less than 0
Format1: click Format and choose Red from the dropdown on the Font tab
Note: the first method produces a %age without the negative sign (add it
back in if you want). The second will keep whatever number format is
already in the cell, so if you have a negative sign and don't want it,
you'll have to use Custom Formatting to get rid of it (and then you
might as well use Custom Format from the beginning).
FWIW, you can calculate your percentage a little more efficiently
(though perhaps less transparently) as
which only has to lookup the value in A1 once. Make sure you don't blink
during the millisecond you save (but if there's a lot of them, the
milliseconds add up).