Simple code question



I have a form, Form1, with two command buttons. Each
button opens a second form, Form2.

Command Button1 opens Form2 in add mode, Command Button2
opens Form2 in edit mode.

If data mode = acFormadd, the footer should be invisible.

On Form2, I am having trouble locating the parameter to
read to enable this condition.

I have unsuccessfully tried " if me.forms.allowadditions
= true ...."

What parameter should I should be calling on Form2 to
allow for this to happen.

Thanks in advance.



got it - the field is "me.dataentry". I only passed over
it for two hours.


Emilia Maxim

---------- "Jeff said:
I have a form, Form1, with two command buttons. Each
button opens a second form, Form2.

Command Button1 opens Form2 in add mode, Command Button2
opens Form2 in edit mode.

If data mode = acFormadd, the footer should be invisible.

On Form2, I am having trouble locating the parameter to
read to enable this condition.

I have unsuccessfully tried " if me.forms.allowadditions
= true ...."

What parameter should I should be calling on Form2 to


take a look to the OpenArgs parameter of the OpenForm statement.
Setting the data mode in the OpenForm statement doesn't change the
AllowAdditions or AllowEdit property of Form2, so you'll have to pass
the mode as an OpenArgs.

Best regards

Emilia Maxim
PC-SoftwareService, Stuttgart

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