Simple Formula



I have a formula, bt4/37 (bt4 = 6) and it returns 5. However, my calculator
and an Access database returns 16. Can someone tell me why Excel returns 5?

Mike H


Either I'm reading this post incorrectly or you have a broken calculator and
are gettting results out of excel & access that are equally incorrect.

6/37= 0.162 recurring

So if we assume that your result of 16 is a typo and you meant .16 there
must be something your not telling us about the formula your using in Excel.

How is the 6 derived in BT4 ?
What is the format of BT4 ?
Post the precise formula that gives an answer of 5
What is the format the cell that has this formula in?


When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the

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