Simple inventory




I need a simple way to keep track of incoming invoices in
Access 2000. I don't work in the billing dept., but I am
an assistant that has been given the job of listing bills
as they come into the office. I want to be able to type
in the company's name and relevant information one time
and then enter all invoices from that company in table
format so that when I print a report, all invoices that
are related to each individual company are listed
accordingly. I'm new to working with Access. Can anyone
help? Thanks.

Allen Browne

Open the Northwind sample database that installed with Access.

Open the Relationships window (from the Tools menu).

To handle invoices you will need a similar structure to their orders:
- a Customer table,
- an Invoice table (like their Orders table), that holds the CustomerID;
- an InvoiceDetail table (like their Order Details table), to hold the line
items of the invoice.

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