Simple javascript help please


Paul M

I am trying to store the id of a button into a variable.
Here is the button code

<input type="image" border="0" name="imageField"
src="www.myweb/conferences/book_now_button.gif" width="105" height="22"
alt="Book now" id="but1" />

The idea is that I have two buttons which are sent to different targets
using a function depending on there id's
I need the var only to get its value when one of the buttons is pressed
Paul M

Paul M

I have managed to store a number in a var but the form will not send here is
the code

Here is the url only the contact name has to be entered for the form
validation as yet

// this captures the input onclick value

<script type="text/javascript">
var xbut="";

// this is supposed to send the form to different places depending on the
xbut var

rsv.onCompleteHandler = myOnComplete;
function myOnComplete()
if (xbut==1)
document.BuyForm.action = '';

if (xbut==2)
document.BuyForm.action = 'send_invoice.asp';
return false;

this is the form button there is another with the onclick="xbut=2 as the
<input type="image" border="0" name="imageField"
src="../IGpageimages/conferences/book_now_button.gif" width="105"
height="22" alt="Book now" onclick="xbut=1" id="but1" />

Paul M

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