simple math



Hi all

In OneNote i know you can do simple math by typing the question and pressing
space i.e. 2+2= (space)

But i use a tablet PC how do i do this with the pen?


Erik Sojka

You can't unfortunately. Napkin Math only works when typed. It's partly
due to there being no pen gesture or written trigger that would tell ON to
evaluate the preceding text as a math expression.


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
You can't unfortunately. Napkin Math only works when typed. It's partly
due to there being no pen gesture or written trigger that would tell ON to
evaluate the preceding text as a math expression.
Why not using the TIP ?


Rainald Taesler

Naz said:
In OneNote i know you can do simple math by typing the question and
pressing space i.e. 2+2= (space)

But i use a tablet PC how do i do this with the pen?

The problem is the *space*.
As one cannot draw an empty space with the pen, OneNote can not
recognize that it should do a calculation.

It works using the TIP, however.


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