I enjoy joining your community.
Attached is a MS Word document causing problems I'm figthing a lon
time with.
This document was once created with Word 95 and a long time later was
converted to Word 97 format. A few of simple numbered list is the only
one content of the document. These are neither bullets nor outlin
numbered list.
Strange in the lists is that some of them have a lot of positions, u
to 200.
Pretty all of the list positions end up with a year string.
Problematic is the list position counting. There are some places withi
list where Word starts to count up with the value 1.
This is no formatting issue. I have checked paragraph formatting an
list formatting.
The start from beginning option is disabled.
The attached hex view shows one the problematic places. Each lis
position ends up with 0x0d byte.
This should be the carriage return character (for example the on
between two strings
"Warszawa 1997 " and "Bartoszewicz W., Gogolewska H.: "). The positio
starting with
"Bartoszewicz W., Gogolewska H.: " gets the number 1. This is wrong. I
belongs to
the same list as the one above. There is some regularity at all issu
a big amount of zero bytes. These zero bytes
chain is not to see in the Word document (desired behavieuor).
I suppose these zero byte chains are causing the Word starting u
suddenly to count
the list with the 1 number.
Do you have some idea ? Is my suspicion right ?
There are areas where each character is occupying only one byte
and areas where each character is stored with two bytes.
These two types of areas occure interchangeable along the whol
Is this rigth ?
If you have some idea please let me know.
Sorry for my english and thank you for your attention.
| Attachment filename: 1.txt
|Download attachment: http://www.WordForums.com.com/forums/attachment.php?postid=96095
Attached is a MS Word document causing problems I'm figthing a lon
time with.
This document was once created with Word 95 and a long time later was
converted to Word 97 format. A few of simple numbered list is the only
one content of the document. These are neither bullets nor outlin
numbered list.
Strange in the lists is that some of them have a lot of positions, u
to 200.
Pretty all of the list positions end up with a year string.
Problematic is the list position counting. There are some places withi
list where Word starts to count up with the value 1.
This is no formatting issue. I have checked paragraph formatting an
list formatting.
The start from beginning option is disabled.
The attached hex view shows one the problematic places. Each lis
position ends up with 0x0d byte.
This should be the carriage return character (for example the on
between two strings
"Warszawa 1997 " and "Bartoszewicz W., Gogolewska H.: "). The positio
starting with
"Bartoszewicz W., Gogolewska H.: " gets the number 1. This is wrong. I
belongs to
the same list as the one above. There is some regularity at all issu
a big amount of zero bytes. These zero bytes
chain is not to see in the Word document (desired behavieuor).
I suppose these zero byte chains are causing the Word starting u
suddenly to count
the list with the 1 number.
Do you have some idea ? Is my suspicion right ?
There are areas where each character is occupying only one byte
and areas where each character is stored with two bytes.
These two types of areas occure interchangeable along the whol
Is this rigth ?
If you have some idea please let me know.
Sorry for my english and thank you for your attention.
| Attachment filename: 1.txt
|Download attachment: http://www.WordForums.com.com/forums/attachment.php?postid=96095