Simple numbered paragrahps please


Patti Barden

Followup to previous inquiry:

Using W97, IE5.5
I am writing a book, using Styles, Section Breaks, headers, footers.

Have written seperate chapters (using same template), then "inserted
(chapter)from file.

In each chapter I have had some paragrahps numbered as a list. I went
directly toToolbar>Format>Bullets/Numbering. That worked for awhile, now I
problem with the Style box changing to "Footer" on the first numbered
paragraph for the List.

Margaret Aldis and Suzanne S. Barnhill responded, both advising to set up
"outline numbered lists" and read
and and I have read Dave Rado: resetting numbering

Problem, I cannot get it into my head, don't get, am too feeble. All I want
is a numbered list like:
1. Text, text, etc.
Text, text, text, etc.

2. Text, text, etc.
Text, text, text.
Can you please give me a simpler step by step.
Thanks so much.

Bruce Brown

Patti - Margaret and Suzanne would never give you inaccurate or
inappropriate advice. Your original post must have sounded as if
outline numbering were what you needed.

But based on what you're saying now -- that all you want is simple
numbered lists in each chapter -- any of the five built-in List Number
styles is probably your best bet.

Provided that you don't copy and paste these lists elsewhere in your
book, you should be able to re-start these simple lists by using
Format > Numbering > Restart Numbering. If you have a problem with
re-starting, post back and we'll introduce you to the LISTNUM field.
- Bruce

Patti Barden

Hi Bruce,
I am sure the advice given was correct, just more than I need (I think).
I was doing just as you suggest - using the built in List Number styles
Format>Numbering>Restart Numbering.

This worked fine for a long time, and still works but what is happening now
is when I am in Normal View, click on the List Number styles, and put in my
lists, the format box and the left hand column in Normal View, change from
whatever style or format I am using, (usually just Normal Ariel 11) to
"Footer", just for the first numbered paragraph.

If I use the Format Painter it just changes back to Footer, just on the
first number of the list. This is what I tried to explain on my original
query that Suzanne and Margaret responded to.

It is very hard to explain. I am fussing about it because this document is
getting quite long 300 pages and I want all the format correct before I send
it to the printer. Any ideas?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you are using Normal style, then you aren't using List Number style.
Clicking on the Numbering button for a paragraph in Normal style is not the
same thing as applying the List Number style (which you can do with
Ctrl+Shift+L). The latter is what you need to be doing.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Patti Barden

Hi Suzanne,
I think my problem may be not understanding the multiple use of names like
Normal Style, etc. in directions.

Your advice is the first time I have seen the instruction Ctrl+Shift+L to do
with numbering. I put the curser on a paragraph (Body text, Ariel 11)
Ctrl+Shift+L and what I got was a bullet and all the text put into indented
Block Text.

What I want is:
1. Text, text,
Text, Text,

2. Text, text,
Text, etc.

I am having a real mental block with this and it is driving me crazy. Please
don't give up on me.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Sorry, I'm the one who's going crazy. Ctrl+Shift+L gives you List Bullet
style. If I understand what you want, then this is what you need to do.

For the numbered paragraphs, apply the List Number style. By default it will
be in your default font, with a 0.25" hanging indent, but you can modify it
as follows:

1. Go to Format | Style for List Number and click Modify... (if this is Word
2002, select Modify from the dropdown list for the style in the Styles and
Formatting task pane).

2. Select Format: Paragraph, add any Space Before/After, line spacing, etc.,
but don't bother with indents (except any desired right indent).

3. Format: Font and make any desired font changes.

4. Format: Numbering. Using the selected pane, click Customize...

5. Set "Aligned at" to 0" (if it isnt already).

6. Set "Tab space after" to 0.25", 0.5", or whatever you prefer.

7. Set "Indent at" to 0".

This will give you paragraphs that look like this:

1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat
volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation
ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

If you want the runover lines to align with the text after the number (the
more conventional formatting for numbered paragraphs) then make "Indent at"
the same as "Tab space after." These indents *must* be set in the Numbering
dialog, not in Format Paragraph.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Patti Barden

Dear Suzanne,
You have made my day, at last the light goes on, even prior instructions
making some sense to me. Thanks a million!!

One more related question, my main document is about 300 pages now and each
chapter has a numbered list created going directly to
Toolbar>Format>Numbering until I got into trouble.

Would you suggest I manually change all those numbered lists to this new
ListStyle method, or Is there a quicker way? I think I know what your
advice will be.
Thanks again for your patience. Patti

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There was a time when using the Numbering button or the Numbering dialog was
a viable option. Unfortunately, beginning in Word 97, numbering was
"broken." I'm not an expert on this since I am VBA-less and therefore
ignorant of how this is handled behind the scenes (you can get a idea of the
complexities from the mammoth article Each
subsequent version has changed this a little bit; I gather that Word 2000
may have been even worse, and Word 2002 makes it less risky to use Restart
Numbering and Continue Previous List (at least provided you're using a
numbered style).

My experience with numbering, however, has been that, while it can be very
frustrating at best, I experience the least frustration if I use a numbered
style (such as List Number) and, whenever a document is highly structured
and/or important (and any document 300 pages long is probably important),
it's worth the trouble to set up outline numbering following the directions
at You can
mix numbered and unnumbered (or bulleted) styles in an outline, and you can
use an unnumbered top-level style just to restart numbering at a lower level
(for more on that, see

As you say, you already know what my advice will be, but I'll make it more
explicit. I use the Numbering button for exactly one purpose: to get a quick
paragraph count in a list I create once a month, for purposes of figuring
out where to split it in the middle (Tools | Word Count would give me the
number of paragraphs but not identify the one that is the end of the first
half). I immediately remove the numbering by clicking the button off. I use
the Format | Bullets and Numbering dialog (directly, not through Format |
Style) for exactly one purpose: to check on the exact terminology to use in
writing posts such as those I've contributed to this thread. <g>

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Patti Barden

Hi Suzanne,
I had already read the two mvp articles you site about Outline Numbering and
got completely confused. Your instruction for the List Number was so simple
and quick I thought my problem was solved.

Now you think I should go back to the Ouline Numbering for my main document
(300pgs). Shauna Kelly's method of modifying the Heading 1 style, etc.
confused me so much because I have already used this and other styles in my

Anyway, thanks for all your help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Using List Number is fine and should suffice provided you don't have
problems restarting numbering. But if you often need to restart numbering,
then it wouldn't hurt to have a higher-level list style that will restart it
automatically. It doesn't matter that you've already set up Heading 1. You
don't have to modify it at all, just link it to Level 1 in an outline list
(with no numbering). Then you can make List Number your Level 2, and your
List Number lists will automatically restart after every Heading 1. If
Heading 1 is not the appropriate style for restarting, then you can choose a
lower-level heading (Heading 2, for example) or even a body text style. Or
you can use one of the other methods Margaret describes.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

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