Simple Petty Cash Sheet ?



I hope someone can help me.
I am making a spreadsheet to keep track of petty cash. I have 3 colmns,
c,d,e In C I have the balance of the account, in D I have the amount
that is spent and in E I have the amount that is deposited into the
account. I am not having a hard time getting the remaining balance in
Column C after an amount of expendeture is put into Column D. I know
how to lock the cells after the calculation, no problem there eather.
What is getting me is that there are some days that there is not
expendeture and so a "0" amount goes into the cell in Column C because
I am using an IF statement that says
IF(D3=0,0) in the cell in Column C. The formula needs the last value
greater than 0 in Column C to subtract the value in Column D in order
to get the true remaining balance. How do I get the formula to look for
the last value greater than 0 in Column C so that it will make the
calculation C-D and be the correct remaining balance?

This is what I have tried along with many other attempts.


Surely, todays balance is simply yesterday's balance minus expediture
plus deposits ?


The problem is that if yesterdays balance is 0 because there was no
petty cash taken out of the account the total for the next day that has
cash taken out is wrong. I need to take todays expendature away from the
last total when there was spending. How do I get to the last total of
when there was spending in my formula, then from there I can do the
other parts.


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