Simple query - why having problems?



I can't believe I'm having this problem, but I've been struggling with it all
afternoon and I just can't figure out the problem.

I have a database that tracks (among other things) training. This set of
tables records information about training sessions (Training_NonDoc), and
records on who has completed and/or needs to complete these sessions

Table: Training_NonDoc
*TrainingNonDocID (Autonumber)
Topic (Text)
Description (Memo)

Table: TrainingRecords_NonDoc
*TrainingRecNonDocID (Autonumber)
TrainingNonDocID (Long Integer) - joined 1->M with table above
Init (Text)
TrainingDate (Date/Time)
TrainingNotes (Text)

(* indicates the primary key).

I created a query (TrainingRecords_NonDocQuery) as follows:
From Training_NonDoc: TrainingNonDocID; Topic; Description
From TrainingRecords_NonDoc: Init; Training Date; Training Notes

SQL is:
SELECT Training_NonDoc.TrainingNonDocID, Training_NonDoc.Topic,
Training_NonDoc.Description, TrainingRecords_NonDoc.Init,
TrainingRecords_NonDoc.TrainingDate, TrainingRecords_NonDoc.TrainingNotes
FROM Training_NonDoc INNER JOIN TrainingRecords_NonDoc ON
Training_NonDoc.TrainingNonDocID = TrainingRecords_NonDoc.TrainingNonDocID;

This is such a basic query - and yet I can't get it to accept any records. I
am able to type a session topic and description (and these do update in the
related Training_NonDoc table), but it dings at me when I try to enter a

I have virtually the same set of tables set up in parallel for a slightly
different situation, and it works no problem.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I feel so dumb for not getting this to work...


Gary Walter

just search Google Groups for
"dings at me" :cool:

Remember that to edit a field in a query,
Access must be able to follow a distinct
"path" to that field.

If you have just entered values for a new
Topic/Description, how can Access follow
a distinct path to a field in the Records table?

Fortunately the designers of Access have given
you the tools for this.

Set recordsource of main form to training table.

Add a subform on the main form whose recordsource
is the record table. Set its "Master/Child" for

No more dings.

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