Simple Query



I'm trying to write a query to be used in a listbox.

I'm concerned with two tables at present. Projects & Employee

Contents of Projects:

[Proj Num] [Proj Name] [EmployeeID]
1 Project 1 1
2 Project 2 1
3 Project 3 1
4 Project 4 2
5 Project 5 2
6 Project 6 4
7 Project 7 5

Contents of Employee:

[EmployeeID] [Name]
1 Emp 1
2 Emp 2
3 Emp 3
5 Emp 5

Now, when I'm doing the query I want to display this information:

Project Numbers, Project Name, Employee Name

When I add the Employee Table to the query and just simply display
only the Project Number & Project Name in design view,

It does not display Project 6.

I know it's because Emp 5 does not exist in the employee table but he
has been deleted.

This is a simplified version of the database and the database that i'm
concerned with has a number of employees deleted.

I want to be able to show all relavant projects with their employee
name next to it.
If the employee has been deleted i want it to show nothing in the
employee column.

Thanks for the help.

Jeff Boyce

If you open your query in design mode and change the connector between your
tables, you can designate that you wish to see ALL projects, and ANY
associated employees.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>


Ahh sweet, Right clicking on the connecting line and selecting join
properties worked the trick.

I knew it was something incredibly easy


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