I would like to ask a simple question to anybody.
What is the the simplest solution to spam? I have an internet website and
within days I just see to end up on the worlds biggest spam lists.
Spam solutions seem to invariably end up with false positives, meaning I can
loose client emails.
The spam facilities in outlook only deal with the problem they dont actually
stop you getting it.
What about the solution of using one of those systems where an individual
person has to reply manually if the email address is unknown? Do any
business users use this method?
I would like to ask a simple question to anybody.
What is the the simplest solution to spam? I have an internet website and
within days I just see to end up on the worlds biggest spam lists.
Spam solutions seem to invariably end up with false positives, meaning I can
loose client emails.
The spam facilities in outlook only deal with the problem they dont actually
stop you getting it.
What about the solution of using one of those systems where an individual
person has to reply manually if the email address is unknown? Do any
business users use this method?