Simple Question - new to OneNote

  • Thread starter Michael Kilgore
  • Start date

Michael Kilgore

I am missing something simple/obvious I think... When creating a list of
tasks I am looking to add dates to the list one for the date assigned
(today) and one for the due date. In Word it there is an option under
Insert to insert date/time where formats are displayed. I could not find
the same in OneNote...

Thanks in advance.

Erik Sojka

If you're running the SP1 preview, you can insert the
current date and time by pressing Alt-Shift-F (the option
is also found under the Insert menu).

This will only insert the timestamp into the text stream,
and will not get "associated" with the task in a database
field sense (i.e. there is no logic that is associated
with a date like there is with the Due Date and Start
Date fields in an Outlook Task).

Thomas R. Shannon

Erik said:
If you're running the SP1 preview, you can insert the
current date and time by pressing Alt-Shift-F (the option
is also found under the Insert menu).

This will only insert the timestamp into the text stream,
and will not get "associated" with the task in a database
field sense (i.e. there is no logic that is associated
with a date like there is with the Due Date and Start
Date fields in an Outlook Task).

It is, however, relatively easy to create an Outlook task from selected
text in OneNote. Once that is done, you can use the power of Outlook
to organize the fields.

Tom S.

Erik Sojka

True dat. I meant to include that in my reply and
hit "send" too early.

Thanks for the clarification!

Michael Kilgore

Thank you for your replies. It sounds like SP1 has at least one feature
that I am looking for. Is there a list of SP1 features? Is there a date
SP1 goes production? How stable is the preview and do you recommend it?

For now I will copy my tasks to Outlook, where as has been pointed out, I
have all features available.

Erik Sojka

There is a preview version of SP1 available at

You will need to uninstall your CD version of OneNote before installing
the SP1 preview. YOur settings and *.ONE files in your "My Notebook"
will be retained (although a backup wouldn't hurt just in case).

On that page is a list of the new features in SP1, one list can be found

The final version of SP1 will be released sometime this summer, but the
SP1 preview is *very* stable and quite honestly, it rocks!

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