Simple table calculation: Excel or ???



I need to put a cost estimate table in a Word (2007) document. The
table has 2 columns and a variable number of rows:

Hours Activity
7 Travel
21 Design
15 Review
43 Total hours
$3,225 Total cost

The next to last row has the total hours in column 1.

I would like the value in the last row, column 1, to be the product of
the total hours (cell just above) and some rate ($75 in the example).

I can get the both the sum and the product to work in a fixed table. I
put "=sum(above)" in cell A5 and "=A5*75" in cell A6.

The problem comes if I add (or delete) a row. The sum still works, but
the product has a hard cell reference.

Can I make it a relative cell reference?

If not, can I put in an Excel table instead that I can change in Word?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

From the Table section of the Insert Ribbon, you can insert an Excel
Spreadsheet into a Word Document.

That should allow you to do what you want.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Tom Conrad

Tom C replied:


Take a look at the following article:
Article: How to get a formula field to total an entire table column, even if
some cells in the column contain text or are blank.

By Dave Rado

This article suggests two methods to achieve the effect you desire within
Word without embedding an Excel spreadsheet. Both methods use a mixture of
bookmarks and field codes.

The numbers to be summed are placed in a data table (Table01), and the
formulae are placed into a summation table.

The tables are separated by a blank paragraph. The article specifies a line
height for the paragraph. I would also recommend the font size should be set
to 1pt.

The total numbers of rows in table 01 can be varied with out disrupting the

Tom C

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