I'm trying to perform a test update query that is representative of an
update query I'm going to want to run later this week, but can't get this to
seem to work. Any suggestions for this?
I have two tables: "Reports_byCountry" and "Reports_byLanguageDate" Each
has some of the data regarding reports published each month. I essentially
want to join them based on their unique ID's, but would like to do it by
updating the records in the latter table with the info in the former.
This table has the fields [Coverage] and [One_Liner]:
Reports_byCountry ReportID Coverage One_Liner
1000000 r2 Growing season has begun
1000001 bf Pasture and livestock conditions good
1000003 r2 An agronomic drought is underway
I would like for my update query to update similarly named fields in this
table based on the [ReportID] field:
Reports_byLanguageDate ReportID LANGUAGE DUE_DATE DATE_RECEIVED Coverage
1000000 en 6/15/2000 7/15/2000
1000001 en 7/15/2000 8/15/2000
1000003 en 8/15/2000 9/15/2000
There is a 1 - 1 relationship established between them based on their Report
ID, fyi
Here is the query I have written:
UPDATE Reports_byLanguageDate
SET [Coverage] = Reports_byCountry.Coverage,
[One_Liner] = Reports_byCountry.Coverage
WHERE Reports_byLanguageDate.ReportID=Reports_byCountry.ReportID;
When I run it, it asks me for parameters for each of the fields in the
[Reports_byCountry] table, and regardless of what I put in for those
parameters, it updates 0 records. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. The
parameters I'm giving it ("*" or "is not null" or anything else) are
probably wrong, but can't find out what is correct. Any suggestions?
thanks - Toby
update query I'm going to want to run later this week, but can't get this to
seem to work. Any suggestions for this?
I have two tables: "Reports_byCountry" and "Reports_byLanguageDate" Each
has some of the data regarding reports published each month. I essentially
want to join them based on their unique ID's, but would like to do it by
updating the records in the latter table with the info in the former.
This table has the fields [Coverage] and [One_Liner]:
Reports_byCountry ReportID Coverage One_Liner
1000000 r2 Growing season has begun
1000001 bf Pasture and livestock conditions good
1000003 r2 An agronomic drought is underway
I would like for my update query to update similarly named fields in this
table based on the [ReportID] field:
Reports_byLanguageDate ReportID LANGUAGE DUE_DATE DATE_RECEIVED Coverage
1000000 en 6/15/2000 7/15/2000
1000001 en 7/15/2000 8/15/2000
1000003 en 8/15/2000 9/15/2000
There is a 1 - 1 relationship established between them based on their Report
ID, fyi
Here is the query I have written:
UPDATE Reports_byLanguageDate
SET [Coverage] = Reports_byCountry.Coverage,
[One_Liner] = Reports_byCountry.Coverage
WHERE Reports_byLanguageDate.ReportID=Reports_byCountry.ReportID;
When I run it, it asks me for parameters for each of the fields in the
[Reports_byCountry] table, and regardless of what I put in for those
parameters, it updates 0 records. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. The
parameters I'm giving it ("*" or "is not null" or anything else) are
probably wrong, but can't find out what is correct. Any suggestions?
thanks - Toby