I have to pay at the end of this year the bonus to my external reps. Their
bonuses are paid on a range of values and I need to adjust the % that they
will be paid at the end of the year in accordance to this range. How can I
do this without actually going one by one and modifying the amount?
ex: if rep has 100% of budgeted sales: he gets 100% of his yearly bonus, if
rep has 100,1%,-104.9%: prorata of bonus, 105%-109,9%=125% of bonus....the
maximum is +130%: 200% of bonus.
Is it possible to this? I succeed partially with =if....
bonuses are paid on a range of values and I need to adjust the % that they
will be paid at the end of the year in accordance to this range. How can I
do this without actually going one by one and modifying the amount?
ex: if rep has 100% of budgeted sales: he gets 100% of his yearly bonus, if
rep has 100,1%,-104.9%: prorata of bonus, 105%-109,9%=125% of bonus....the
maximum is +130%: 200% of bonus.
Is it possible to this? I succeed partially with =if....