sin and cos curve in visio


John Marshall, MVP

What do you need the curves for?

I have a sample of four curves that you can download from It's the last entry. There is a pair of
Sine curves and a pair of Cosine curves. Each pair consists of a curve that
stretches, but it only shows one cycle. The other curve adds more cycles as
it is stretched. Due to a change in how line format's are handled it will
only add full cycles. It stretches and then compresses when a new cycle is

The curves are done using a line format.and the amplitutde is controlled by
the line thickness. To include in another drawing, just drag the samples to
the new drawing. The line formats will follow.

John... Visio MVP

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Thanks John

That's what I needed.


John Marshall said:
What do you need the curves for?

I have a sample of four curves that you can download from It's the last entry. There is a pair
of Sine curves and a pair of Cosine curves. Each pair consists of a curve
that stretches, but it only shows one cycle. The other curve adds more
cycles as it is stretched. Due to a change in how line format's are
handled it will only add full cycles. It stretches and then compresses
when a new cycle is added.

The curves are done using a line format.and the amplitutde is controlled
by the line thickness. To include in another drawing, just drag the
samples to the new drawing. The line formats will follow.

John... Visio MVP

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Nov 5, 2024
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Hey John your links are broken.

Can you tell us how to create an expandable sine wave please?
Or a digital clock signal for a timing diagram... I want to be able to create a drawing with a yellow dot that allows the shape to stretch or repeat it's pattern.

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