Single to double spacing - deleting extra lines



I sometimes draft a document single-spaced, with an extra line between
paragraphs. Then find that the document needs to be double-spaced. It's easy
enough to change from single spacing to double spacing under Format. But then
I'm left with an extra (now double) space between paragraphs.

Is there any easy way to globally delete those extra spaces?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Instead of inserting an extra paragraph to create a blank line, use Spacing
Before/After. An easy way to apply 12 points Space Before (the equivalent of
a blank line) is Ctrl+0 (zero). And the best way to apply all this
formatting is via a style. When you modify the style to change the paragraph
spacing Single to Double and removing the Space Before/After, all the
affected paragraphs will update automatically.

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