Single user guide used by different companies

  • Thread starter consultant_of_swing
  • Start date


I have a document that is the user guide for a software application.
The application will be sold by two different companies under two
different names. That is company 1 (COMP1) will call it BRAND1 while
COMP2 will call it BRAND2. I'd like to be able to create and maintain
a single document that is the body of the user guide, but be able to
print a version that references either COMP1/BRAND1 or COMP2/BRAND2 as
needed. The differences will be in the title and copyright pages,
headers, footers, etc. Within the body, the only differences should
be when the application is referred to. That is, the phrase "Click on
the icon to open BRAND1 ..." should also print as "Click on the icon
to open BRAND2 ...", depending on which version I'm needing to print.
Hopefully this explains what I need well enough to make sense. Any

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can do this with bookmarks and IF fields. The IF field compares the
content of a specific bookmark to, say, "COMP1" and prints "BRAND1" if it
matches and "BRAND2" if it doesn't. If there are more than two brands
involved, it's usually easier, instead of nesting IF fields, to just have a
series of fields with the appropriate TrueText and no FalseText; only the
TrueText for the match will be printed.

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