Site check, please


andy asberry I'm not having any particular problems but I would
appreciate any constructive criticism or suggestions.
I've come to this fountain of information many times and gained a
wealth of knowledge without having to ever ask a question. Thank you.

Very Joyful \(Victoria\)

andy asberry said: I'm not having any particular problems but I would
appreciate any constructive criticism or suggestions.
I've come to this fountain of information many times and gained a
wealth of knowledge without having to ever ask a question. Thank you.

First, your main body text is not the most pleasant to read. Try something
less bold. Use bold only for headlines and such.

Second, your sunset image is so wide that you have a horizontal scroll when
viewed in a simulated 800x600 window. (You need to allow about 50 pixels for
scroll bars, window borders, etc.) What's up with the sunset anyway? It's
pretty, but what does it have to do with sheep?

Your body text needs to be consistent from one page to the next.

Good start though. Feel free to post again when you have addressed these

JoAnn Amerson

My only comment is just that I really dislike colored text on a black
background. It always reminds me of some teeny-bobber's attempt at a website
for their favorite heavy metal group or a porn site. I'm not saying your
site is anything like those, I'm just adding my person opinion.

Also, wouldn't a photo of sheep be more appropriate as a header? Nice sheep
grazing in a lovely green field.........Or jumping over a fence with little
numbers above them? ;-)

andy asberry

My only comment is just that I really dislike colored text on a black
background. It always reminds me of some teeny-bobber's attempt at a website
for their favorite heavy metal group or a porn site. I'm not saying your
site is anything like those, I'm just adding my person opinion.

Also, wouldn't a photo of sheep be more appropriate as a header? Nice sheep
grazing in a lovely green field.........Or jumping over a fence with little
numbers above them? ;-)

Thank you, both. I have changed most of the pages to 750 pixels. The
header background will eventually be photos of sheep in appropriate
settings and will be changed seasonally. The sunset is a temporary
summer setting.

JoAnn, do you dislike colored text on black background and prefer
white text or just dislike black background? I tried red and blue
with black and white text on each. It looked a little plain or common
to me. I thought about changing the background to a seasonal color but
decided the site should look familiar each time it is visited.
Thanks again.


It's the black background. I'm an conservative (translation: old-fashioned)
person. I prefer dark text on a white or light background. It's easier on
the eyes and easier to read.

There are articles on subjects like this. If/when you have some spare time,
go to your favorite search engine and see what you can find out. I just did
it searching for "white text on a black background" and found an interesting
article on the psychological effects of color perception. They list white
text on black as one of the five worst combinations for legibility.

Admittedly, you're getting personal opininons on all of this. Do you have a
friend who will be honest with you to play guinea pig? Friends are honest
but will find a loving way of telling you your idea for a new page bites the
big one. ;-) (My friend Lori is my test audience. If my ideas suck, she'll
tell me and not hurt my feelings.)

Very Joyful

Good fixing so far!

I like white text on green myself, which would echo the idea of sheep on

I'd use a thick san-serif font for any light text on a dark background.

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