Site Name Error with ADSI


Ken Parchinski

I am trying to create a custom recipient in our Exchange
5.5 SP4 Server Address Book using ADSI and the following
code. I retrieved the site name (OU) and organizational
unit (O) from similar routines I found on the MSDN
website. The problem, I am thinking, is that our site
name has a comma in it (Company Name, Inc.) and the
parameters are comma separated. I am receiving a -
2147016656 Automation Error - There is no such object on
the server. I sent an email to Stein Borge who authored a
WSH book and he suggested a \ prior to the , in the site
name; however, this did not work.

Function CreateCustomRecipient(ByVal sServerName As
String, ByVal sOU As String, ByVal sSN As String) As

Dim strDisplayname As String
Dim strAlias As String
Dim objCont As IADsContainer
Dim objNewCR As IADs

'Debug.Print "LDAP://exchsvr/cn=Recipients,ou=Automated
Resources Group\,Inc.,o=ARGI"
Set objCont = GetObject
("LDAP://exchsvr/cn=Recipients,ou=Automated Resources
Group, Inc.,o=ARGI")
Set objNewCR = objCont.Create("Remote-Address", CStr
("cn=" & strAlias))
objNewCR.Put "cn", CStr(strDisplayname)
objNewCR.Put "uid", CStr(strAlias)
objNewCR.Put "Target-
Address", "SMTP:[email protected]"
CreateCustomerRecipient = True
Exit Function

'MsgBox CStr(Err.Number) & " - " & Err.Description
CreateCustomRecipient = False
End Function

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