Size matters! ;) Font disparity in Entourage 2004 (... in the year 2006)



Feel my pain. At long last, I bought into the hip new Apple commercials
and took the plunge from Windows PC with Outlook 2000 to a new 20" iMac
with Office for Mac (and Entourage instead of Outlook).

These two programs, as I understood it, were supposed to be roughly the
same software and therefore make my transition seemless and workable
and most importantly (according to the Apple commercials)...

[skit] "Hi, I'm Apple. Hi, I'm PC." "Apple: 'I work well with
others.'" Oh yeah?

The problem I am having is that when I was a Windows Outlook 2000 user,
I always used 10-point font in HTML (so I could format text and insert
images) with Outlook emails. (fyi - I used to compose my emails in Word
which Entourage for some reason does not provide as an option)

Now, if I compose an email in 10-point font using Entourage, the text
is awkwardly difficult to read (for me while composing) because it is
so small on the iMac display.

I have seen "work arounds" posted about changing my default font to a
higher point size, like 14-point or 16-point, but then what situation
does that create for the receipient? Yes, it appears better to me
visually but it also has a real effect on the font size for the
recipient, right? This is my experience at least.

I don't want to satisfy myself only to learn that my contacts are
getting emails with gigantic fonts. I also do not want to need to
readjust my emails every time ( tedious).

I think most of the world probably uses 10-point or 12-point as
"standard" font size for letters, etc. .

Does anybody have a solution? If not, then at least an explanation?

Thanks, Jeromy

PS - the Entourage 2004 preview window seems to have other "small font"
issues and generally the text accompanying the buttons (reply,
send/receive, etc) is inherently small and not able to be adjusted via
preferences. I am also not willing to use the user accessibility "zoom"
since it is awkward. I am in my twenties and have good eyesight, so it
is not a vision thing.

Why can't we all just come up with a universal standard for text fonts
and attachments?

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