Size of audio recordings



When I initially installed OneNote, my recordings of a 1-hour lecture took
about 3MB. I changed the settings, and now they take about 70MB. I've tried
to change back to the original setting, but I get a message saying I need a
Windows Media Player update. I'm using the most recent version. Any
suggestions? Does anyone know what the least space-intensive setting is?


Kurt S

You may want to go back and look at your original recordings size . There
isn't a compression algorythm available to date that would compress a 1 hour
recording down to 3 megs and still be intelligable. 70 megs sounds about
right for a very compressed 1 hour recording.


I figured it out. In Audio and Video options, change the Codec to Windows
Media 9.1 (rather than 9.1 Professional). That gives many lower-quality

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

By default we use a voice codec that gets recordings down to about that
size. You are referring perhaps to music codecs.

The video codec we use by default is about 60MB/hour (at 240x160)

Chris (MS)

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