Size of database keeps growing.


Larry Novreske

I have an Access 2007 database that I converted from 2003 that keeps growing
in size. When I originally converted the mdb to an accdb, the size was about
65mb. This particular database has a large number of objects. I have been
editing the forms to convert them to the use of ribbons instead of toolbars,
changing the color scheme to be more 2007 compatible, removing and/or
optimizing VBA code. I have removed about 10,000 lines of VBA code by
optimizing some of my forms. I have added only 1 table, the one for the
ribbons, and I added a ribbon macro. I have not increased the number of
records in any of the existing tables. I have not added new objects. I do a
repair and compact upon close of the database. I made sure that the Auto
Correct Names option was turned OFF. My database has grown to over 130mb.

Having noticed this large growth and having done the repairs and compacts
which have not helped to reduce the file size, I did an experiment. My
assumption was that Access stores some sort of change history and does not
clean up its mess even doing the repair and compact. So, I created a blank
database and then imported all of the objects from my original one. Doing
this I managed to get the the size back down to less than its original size,
which was what I would have assumed to be proper due to the editing that I
was doing

Has anyone else observed this condition? If so, does anyone have a better
solution to maintaining the size.

Jerry Whittle

Hi Larry,

Interesting. Have you compiled your code then do a compact and repair? I
notice that often reduces the size. There's been times when I've done a
decompile, recompile, then a compact and repair with JetComp which really
helped. That was mostly for corruption problems. I don't know if 2007
supports decompiling code.

Larry Novreske

Thanks for the reply!
In regards to the compile, since I had been modifying code, I always do a
compile and then save before is exit so that I do not put in a new bug. In
regards to the decompile, I am not sure if 2007 has that as an option. I
looked for it in the help on their command line options and it was not one of
the options available

Pieter Wijnen

DeCompile is for removing any garbage in the compiled code, caused by
"smart" compile by Access
ie Compile only the changed code

An Occasional decompile & Manual Compile is reccomended


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