PJ said:
After having converted my database to the 2007 version, some of my popup
forms don't appear with the same sizes as I'd defined originally in the
version. The 2007 GUI makes me look like a fool as I cannot find any way
resizing a popup. Can anyone help, please?
Are you using tabbed windows, or overlapping?
Regardless, here is how to size the popup form.
some settings:
Auto Center yes
Auto Resize Yes
Fit to screen no (again, you don't want access to try and do this)
Border style = sizable (more on this later).
Ok, now simply open the popup form
by clicking on it from the nav pane.
Simply size the form and hit ctrl-s.
Remember, size the form in VIEW MODE........
You are done.
If you want to prevent users from changing that size you choose, then open
up that form in design mode, and switch the border to thin....and now close
the form. You can leave the form border as sizable...
The only thing that really changed in previous versions is I find that Auto
Resize needs to be set = "yes" in 2007. I am not sure why this setting has
"changed" on me, but perhaps I was miss using the setting in the past.
Anyway, the above steps should do the trick...