Thanks for this. It half worked. The Ballon Text font applies only to
the first word ("Commented: "or "Deleted", for example), but the size
applies to the text of the comment, which is actually controlled by the
Comments style.
Yes, isn't that what I said? Changing the size for the Balloon Text style
should change the size that shows up in the balloon for *both* the prefix
("Commented:") and the text of the comment. It doesn't affect the style
definition for the Comment, but it does affect what you see in the balloon.
Here's a screenshot of my end result, when I do this, as I don't think you
got what I meant about the fonts, which I tweak because I don't need the
prefix ("Commented:") to be large, clear, and easy to read, as I do the
comment text.
Why did it only half work? What I suggested wholly works here. Because of
the spacing, or something else?
Unfortunately, the test of
the comment in the balloon is spaced at 1.5 lines, when both controlling
styles are single spaced. another bug to iron out?
Not seeing that here....your Normal style isn't 1.5 spacing, is it? Balloon
Text is going to set the line height in the balloons, not Comment Text, and
it is defined as Normal+. You might need to specify single-spaced in it.
Alternatively, perhaps your Comment Text font carries a wide line spacing
that looks 1.5.
I don't mess with the spacing at all and it comes out single-spaced in the
Comments, and I usually have documents where Normal is defined as