Michael J. Gould
Ontario government has posted certain forms which download as BMP's or
GIF's. Using Word 2002 running on Win98 - - how can the files be fitted to
a letter-size page??? I just want to print out forms that look like the
original ones the government probably scanned into its website in the first
Also, I'm not sure that this is the right forum for the question, but it's
the only suitable one with the word "graphics" in the title, my browser (IE
5.0) has informed me.
Thanks in advance to all who reply.
GIF's. Using Word 2002 running on Win98 - - how can the files be fitted to
a letter-size page??? I just want to print out forms that look like the
original ones the government probably scanned into its website in the first
Also, I'm not sure that this is the right forum for the question, but it's
the only suitable one with the word "graphics" in the title, my browser (IE
5.0) has informed me.
Thanks in advance to all who reply.