Sketching in OneNote



I am a graphic artsit.

Much of my weekly routine consist of gathering information from people
regarding projects I am working on - taking notes and making sketches
alongside the notes.

While I understand and agree that OneNote should not attempt to provide
'finish' that is better done in professional design apps (nor would I switch
if it did). For sketching I expect my TabletPC to function *at the very
least* like a piece of paper and a fistful of color pens.

Right now with OneNote there is a limit on the number and type of pens you
can define, and quickly defining a new one (color picking, changing
thickness, changing transparency) is cumbersome.

If I could have a floating pallete with a small color picker, a weight
picker/slider and a transparency slider, I would be king of all. The ability
to define and name as many pens as I like would complete my domain.

OneNote already supports all of this, the UI just doesn't support the
taskflow of meeting-sketching.

Thanks for a great tool.

PS: I really like Corel Grafigo - the way it recognizes shapes you sketch
and intelligently snaps them into vectors but still allows free sketching -
but I have a feeling that this might be asking too much from Microsoft. I
would (and did) use that app for meetings, but now I can't stand switching
away from OneNote and its wonderful recording and search features, etc. while
in a meeting taking notes.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


For all interested - This has been submitted as a suggestion in "Connect"
using id 175055 and named "Pens, Highlighters - Colors". If you would like
this idea and would like to vote to see if we can add this functionality -
please login to "connect" and cast your vote ..

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