Rosa --
Yes, there is a direct way to do this, but I'm not sure it would be worth
all the effort. If you open the Enterprise Resource Pool, you can then
merge the skills directly from the Access database with the resources listed
in the pool. You must make sure that each resource name in the Enterprise
Resource Pool exactly matches the corresponding name in the Access database.
You must also make sure that the data in each Access field matches the
format of the data in the corresponding enterprise Resource field or outline
After carefully setting up the Access database, complete the following steps
to merge the skills information into the Enterprise Resource Pool:
1. Open the Enterprise Resource Pool and check out all of the resources
2. Click File - Open - Open from File
3. Click the "Files of type" pick list and select "Microsoft Access
databases (*.mdb)" from the list
4. Navigate to the folder containing the Access DB, select it, and then
click the Open button
5. In the Import Wizard dialog, click the Next button
6. Select the "New Map" option and then click the Next button
7. Select the "Merge the data into the active project" option and then
click the Next button (VERY important step)
8. Select the "Resources" option and then click the Next button
9. Click the "Select database table name" pick list and select the name of
your DB table
10. For each field listed in the Database Field column, match it with the
corresponding field in the Enterprsie Resource Pool
11. From the list of fields, click the Name field (representing the
resource name) and then click the Set Merge Key button
The preceding step ensures that the system correctly matches the skills data
from the Access database with the each resource in the Enterprise Resource
12. Click the Next button
13. Click the Save Map button and save the Map for future use, if desired
14. Click the Finish button
The system merges the skills data from the Access database with the
resources in the Enterprise Resource Pool. Hope this helps.