Michael Dare
I want the page numbering in a document to skip the FIRST
TWO PAGES so that page three is numbered "1." Inserting
page numbers allows you to skip the first page by telling
it to start at "0" but it won't accept "-1" so there's no
way to skip TWO pages. If I divide the text into sections,
it will start renumbering on page three, but leave numbers
1 and 2 on the first two pages. HELP! I'm using word 97 SR-
TWO PAGES so that page three is numbered "1." Inserting
page numbers allows you to skip the first page by telling
it to start at "0" but it won't accept "-1" so there's no
way to skip TWO pages. If I divide the text into sections,
it will start renumbering on page three, but leave numbers
1 and 2 on the first two pages. HELP! I'm using word 97 SR-