Slanted Quotes


Cory Sullivan

I often cut and paste word files into an online application thst does not
accept slanted qoutes (straight only), is there a setting that will just
produce straight qoutes?



Hi, Cory. In Word, click on Tools | Autocorrect Options | Autoformat As
You Type tab | uncheck the "Straight quotes with smart quotes" box | OK.

Cory Sullivan

Thank you!!!!

garfield-n-odie said:
Hi, Cory. In Word, click on Tools | Autocorrect Options | Autoformat As
You Type tab | uncheck the "Straight quotes with smart quotes" box | OK.

Cory Sullivan

Thank You!!!!

garfield-n-odie said:
Hi, Cory. In Word, click on Tools | Autocorrect Options | Autoformat As
You Type tab | uncheck the "Straight quotes with smart quotes" box | OK.

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