Slide Bar 'jumps' the view


Robert Macy

Running Word 97 on Win98

The slide bar at the side to pull down the image has the irritating
effect of changing nothing UNTIL you let go of the bar, then the whole
image jumps.

Almost every application, except this MS Word product, allows the use
of the slider bar to adjust the iimage to where you want. With this
blind jump it's impossible to use the slide bar for any effective
adjustments, practically rendering the function useless.

Has this been changed on later versions? If so, that makes a good
reason to update.

Terry Farrell

Somewhere - I can't remember where at the moment - there's an option for
'Smooth Scrolling' which you need to check.

Robert Macy

Somewhere - I can't remember where at the moment - there's an option for
'Smooth Scrolling' which you need to check.

Thanks. I opened Word and looked everywhere, but could not find
anything. So after a google search I found this URL:

and on page 17

63. Smooth Scrolling in Microsoft Word

This features allows you to have smooth scrolling in Word 97. When you
use the scroll bars in Word 97, you can't see the document as it
scrolls by until you let go of the scroll bar. Adding this
LiveScrolling setting and setting it to 1 will allow you to see
document scroll by.

I tried it and it works! But, only for the vertical bar, but that's a

I wonder what works for the horizontal bar.

Terry Farrell

I've never tried horizontal scrolling (always had the page(s) narrower than
the windows). I'm not sure I have ever seen the equivalent.


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