John Kounis
I recently converted from Access 2000 to an MSDE backend. In this database,
I need to often append records to a table that currently has 750,000 rows.
Using the methods that Microsoft recommends at
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ado270/htm/mdmthaddnewx.asp, I
wrote the following code to add a new record:
dim rst as new ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "
", currentproject.connection, adOpenDynamic,
adLockOptimistic ' Takes 5 minutes to open
rst!field1 = val1
rst!field2 = val2
This is EXTREMELY slow, because the rst.Open statement needs to select
750,000 records.
I would suppose the correct way to do it with a SQL backend would be:
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "INSERT INTO
(field1, field2,..)
VALUES (val1, val2, ...)"
The problem that I have with this is that I don't want to worry about if the
field values contain """ characters or "'" characters. Also, some fields
have binary data, which I would need to convert to an ASCII equivalent...
all a big hassle.
Another possibility I've considered is the following:
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM
WHERE 1=0", currentproject.connection,
adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
rst!field1 = val1
rst!field2 = val2
This seems to work, but it seems like an awful kludge to add "1=0" in the
WHERE clause. Is this the only good way?
I need to often append records to a table that currently has 750,000 rows.
Using the methods that Microsoft recommends at
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ado270/htm/mdmthaddnewx.asp, I
wrote the following code to add a new record:
dim rst as new ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "
adLockOptimistic ' Takes 5 minutes to open
rst!field1 = val1
rst!field2 = val2
This is EXTREMELY slow, because the rst.Open statement needs to select
750,000 records.
I would suppose the correct way to do it with a SQL backend would be:
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "INSERT INTO
VALUES (val1, val2, ...)"
The problem that I have with this is that I don't want to worry about if the
field values contain """ characters or "'" characters. Also, some fields
have binary data, which I would need to convert to an ASCII equivalent...
all a big hassle.
Another possibility I've considered is the following:
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM
adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
rst!field1 = val1
rst!field2 = val2
This seems to work, but it seems like an awful kludge to add "1=0" in the
WHERE clause. Is this the only good way?